Magento 2 Module Creator is an online module creator tool which helps you to generate and download the basic code that you require all time for your custom module. You can generate a module based on the company name and the module name. This will save Magento developers time which helps in providing the estimation of custom module development.
To create your new module all you have to do is enter Namespace, Module Name and your Email. Then submit the form by clicking on the generate button. Your module will be downloaded as a zip archive file.
You can later start work by keeping, adding, removing, changing files according to your requirement.
Check appropriate checkbox if you need it in your custom module. By default module will be like shown in screenshots.
Jaimin Patel
Posted at 06:28h, 09 AugustIt’s amazing module creator as per your needs and it saves developers time.
Mrudangi Vaghela
Posted at 20:35h, 11 OctoberAfter installing module from here i am getting error in magento adminpanel. Can you send me video how it looks in magento backend?
Posted at 22:22h, 11 OctoberIf the latest Magento version has a problem I need to fix that immediately.
Can you please tell me which version of Magento 2 you are using?
And What is the error?
About the video, I am already showing screenshots on this page. It will show the same as screenshots in the admin panel also.
Chirag Chaudhari
Posted at 07:01h, 15 OctoberClear cache and run deploy command
Mrudangi Vaghela
Posted at 19:00h, 12 OctoberThanks for helping me. It worked fine.
Posted at 08:35h, 13 OctoberI am glad to help you with this.
Posted at 11:19h, 13 Novemberi create a module that u mention but backed tutorial not here please help to create backed file for save,edit delete and add new data .
Posted at 04:33h, 21 NovemberHello Umesh,
I will make a tutorial about backend as soon as possible. In the mean time you can use the module creator to generate only backend CRUD and see the files and do some debugging to learn or check which code is for what.
Randy Orton
Posted at 13:48h, 19 NovemberWhat I have to do if I only want to upload images into a specific folder ?
Posted at 04:02h, 21 NovemberMy Module is Test_Testing
In Save.php file which will be located at
Admin – Controller/Adminhtml/Items/Save.php
Frontend – Controller/Index/Save.php
You will see this two lines and this
1st line $mediaDirectory = $this->filesystem->getDirectoryRead($this->directoryList::MEDIA);
2ed line $destinationPath = $mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath(‘test/testing’);
You can change as per your requirement.
For example your folder is in pub/media then keep the first line and place your folder names in the second line like this
let’s say you want to upload in a folder pub/media/new01/new02/new03/new04
$destinationPath = $mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath(‘new01/new02/new03/new04’);
In short if we print $destinationPath variable we should have a real path like this
so if your folder is not in pub/media no problem you just need to get the real path like this somehow in the $destinationPath variable
Then $imagePath = ‘test/testing’.$result[‘file’]; you need to change here also
$imagePath = ‘new01/new02/new03/new04’.$result[‘file’];
Posted at 14:03h, 05 DecemberNice Article.
Can you please add other articles like override the model, block, helper, controller . Also same using plugin.
Posted at 11:29h, 27 MarchVery helpful module creator and save lot’s of my time
Posted at 09:39h, 30 AprilHi Vicky,
First of all Thank You for your great work.
There is the problem with the submit form from the frontend.
When i submit the form it’s display this “Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.”
Our data not save from the frontend …
How we can fix this problem ?
Check this screenshot:
I am using the Magento ver. 2.3.1
How we can fix this ?
Thank You!
Posted at 12:54h, 21 JulyI have tested it in Magento 2.3.2 and it’s working. Yes, I haven’t tested it in Magento 2.3.1 but please let me know if you are still facing this issue.
Posted at 22:24h, 14 Maythis is really useful. thank you sooooooooo much <3
Posted at 08:02h, 22 MayHi ,
For multiple image upload ,How to do
Posted at 14:03h, 21 JulyPlease check this comment
Posted at 10:47h, 23 MayI have created a db to store 5 different image in different column
by using the module i uploaded successfully.
My question is i have different name for each column of image
while listing
define that
while listing the details in database to frontend
data is displaying
for i am getting sam image in each column ??
Posted at 13:45h, 21 JulyIn $data->getImage(); “Image” is field name from our database table. Let me explain.
I will try to keep it short but this is how we can upload and show multiple images while using this module.
I am assuming we have added one more field for another image. If you don’t know how to do it please check Create a table using InstallSchema and UpgradeSchema in magento 2
For me, the module name will be “VkyTest_Module” and added new field is “more_image.”
In a phtml file where our form is we need to add new input type like below(for me it’s module.phtml)
just copy past the div which has class “field image” and change input name to more_image
Now let go to the controller Save.php
add another if condition before this line $module = $this->_module->create(); like below
if(isset($_FILES[‘more_image’][‘name’]) && $_FILES[‘more_image’][‘name’] != ”) {
$uploaderFactory = $this->uploaderFactory->create([‘fileId’ => ‘more_image’]);
$uploaderFactory->setAllowedExtensions([‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’, ‘png’]);
$imageAdapter = $this->adapterFactory->create();
$mediaDirectory = $this->filesystem->getDirectoryRead(DirectoryList::MEDIA);
$destinationPath = $mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath(‘vkytest/module’);
$result = $uploaderFactory->save($destinationPath);
if (!$result) {
throw new LocalizedException(
__(‘File cannot be saved to path: $1’, $destinationPath)
$imagePath = ‘vkytest/module’.$result[‘file’];
$data[‘more_image’] = $imagePath;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$module = $this->_module->create();
To display
in list.phtml file copy and paste td tag which has class “col image”
and change $data->getImage() to $data->getMoreImage();
Dhiren Prajapati
Posted at 11:02h, 26 JuneVery helpful creator and save lot’s of my time. Easy to Customize and Install.
Ajay Sikarwar
Posted at 12:12h, 01 JulyI’m trying to download module but the generate module button is not working…!
Posted at 12:33h, 21 JulyIt’s working. Can you please let me know if you are still not able to download the module?
Posted at 17:47h, 21 July“Blocked loading mixed active content…”
Generate form not worked. In debug tool I can see above error message.
Posted at 13:38h, 22 JulyFor me, Generate button is working(using Chrome, Firefox, even using mobile) if I try it here. I am able to download the zip file for a module. Can you please try it on chrome browser? I will look deep into it if many people face the same problem.
Posted at 07:22h, 03 Septemberits a very usefull
Posted at 06:42h, 28 OctoberGenerate module is not workng
Posted at 14:42h, 28 OctoberSorry for the issue and thank you for informing me about that. I didn’t know that it wasn’t working. I have made some changes Can you please check/test now? It should be working. Let me know.
Posted at 10:15h, 26 DecemberModule not downloading the file,
Posted at 16:40h, 28 DecemberThanks for informing. Please try now and let me know
Monisha Gaja
Posted at 10:17h, 26 DecemberUnable to downloading ,Can you please resolve the issues, I am waiting for you response. by Monisha.
Posted at 16:39h, 28 DecemberPlease try now and let me know.
Posted at 16:15h, 28 JanuaryHello. Nice module. FIrst of all thank you very much for this help. One suggetion : Can you make this with AJAX functionality? If yes than it will help me a lot. Thank you,
Posted at 09:12h, 12 MarchGenerate module doesn’t work sometimes
Posted at 08:45h, 24 MarchPlease try now and let me know.
Thank you for letting me know about the problem.
Sorry I wasn’t aware of this. It was nothing just my disk quota was exceeded.
Nimitt ajmera
Posted at 12:39h, 29 AprilThis works perfectly fine now, you’re doing great Vicky
Posted at 09:01h, 19 Marcherror when generate module
Posted at 08:44h, 24 MarchPlease try now and let me know.
Thank you for letting me know about the problem.
Sorry I wasn’t aware of this. It was nothing just my disk quota was exceeded.
Posted at 07:57h, 23 MarchHello! Would be nice to test this module generator. However, nothing happens when I hit “Generate” – button. Is this project still active?
Posted at 08:41h, 24 MarchPlease try now and let me know.
Thank you for letting me know about the problem.
Sorry I wasn’t aware of this. It was nothing just my disk quota was exceeded.
Posted at 08:39h, 24 MarchPlease try now and let me know.
Thank you for letting me know about the problem.
Sorry I wasn’t aware of this. It was nothing just my disk quota was exceeded.
ajay singh
Posted at 19:29h, 26 Marchhi i have checked 2,5,6,7 checkbox from above and created a module…frontend with database which insert from frontend and show listing in frontend.But on submittting form data does net get saved in the table..
Posted at 21:34h, 26 MarchHello Ajay, I have checked/tested using the same options and it’s working I can see records in my database table.
Are you sure you were using 2,5,6,7?
2 – Need Frontend
5 – Need Database Table
6 – Need to insert data from frontend
7 – Need to display data at frontend (List page with pagination and View page)
These checkboxes? And let me know what did you use for “Company Name” and “Module Name”.
If you are not seeing data on the frontend list and view page using this checkbox options then check the status field in the database table. It will have a default value “0” which might lead to not displaying the data on the list and view page. To solve that you need to do 2 small changes.
1. – app/code/[CompanyName]/[ModuleName]/Block/[ModuleName]listData.php remove this line – $collection->addFieldToFilter(‘status’,’1′);
2. – app/code/[CompanyName]/[ModuleName]/Block/[ModuleName]View.php change
“if($singleData->get[ModuleName]Id() || $singleData[‘[modulename]_id’] && $singleData->getStatus() == 1){”
“if($singleData->get[ModuleName]Id() || $singleData[‘[modulename]_id’]){”
Now you will be able to see the data in list and view page without having admin CRUD.
Posted at 19:31h, 26 Marchform data not saving in table
Posted at 06:49h, 15 SeptemberCan you please let me know in which Magento version you are facing this issue so that I can check? Or Please try once more because I have tested in Magento 2.4.3 and all things working well.
Posted at 10:33h, 27 Marchafter clicking submit nothing happens.Page redirects to same url of form.No data is inserted in table.So clearly frontend will show blank.
Posted at 12:21h, 27 Marchit worked finally with the deploy command..thanx for this creator..its great
Posted at 16:00h, 17 JulyHi
Not working?
Posted at 08:47h, 21 JulyPlease try now.
Posted at 00:12h, 18 JulyNot working.
Possible to make it work?
Posted at 08:48h, 21 JulyPlease try now.
Posted at 09:08h, 25 JulyThank you for the fix.
Awesome job Vicky.
Posted at 11:56h, 23 JulyHello Vicky,
Can you Please check your module creator not working now.
Posted at 06:47h, 15 SeptemberHello Maan, Sorry for the very late reply but I have tested in Magento 2.4.3 and all things working.
Posted at 11:00h, 13 AugustYou are Rocking, i never find such tool. Thank you so much for your awesome tool.
Posted at 09:20h, 14 AugustHii
-I created a module..
-Vendor name:- Elatebrain
-Module name:- ContactInfo
but can you please tell me what is the fronted link for listing page of grid.
-I need this page link.
can you tell what is the link of this page
Thank you.
Posted at 06:43h, 15 SeptemberHello bhavin, Link for the listing page is “”
Hamza Mughal
Posted at 13:37h, 18 AugustVicky, your other modules are not opening in magento 2 section kindly please check it
Posted at 06:45h, 15 SeptemberHello Hamza, Sorry I am busy with some work but recently I have tested in Magento 2.4.3 and all things working. Can you please let me know in which Magento version you are facing this issue?